SHORTS&WINE – “A taste of animation”

Activity with prior registration

In this session, attendees will enjoy a tasting of four DO Tarragona wines paired with four animated short films. This unique experience combines cinema and local wines, offering an opportunity to share impressions and enrich the creative discussion in a relaxed setting. Participants will enjoy an experience that blends art, culture, and gastronomy in a welcoming and creative environment.

The short films to be screened are:

  • My Word  Carme Puche Moré, Catalonia, 2023
  • Avel  Daniel Marin, Argentina, 2024
  • From One Painting… To Another  Georges Schwizgebel, France, 2023
  • Nube  Christian Arredondo, Diego Alonso Sánchez de le Berquera, France, Mexico, and Hungary, 2023

WHEN: Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 12:30 to 2:00 PM
WHERE: Foyer of the Vila-seca Winery
Maximum number of participants: 60
Minimum age of participants: 18 years

The last day to register for the workshop is Sunday, October 30.

Register for SHORTS&WINE, here.

El FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca és un festival de curtmetratges que té com objectius difondre i promoure la cinematografia en general. Així com donar suport als directors de curtmetratges i crear un espai de referència on puguin donar a conèixer els seus treballs.

Drets reservats  © FICVI 2022.
